SMC Wing

3D Structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Tidally Disrupted Wing of the SMC

Due to recent interactions, the SMC features a kinematically distinct Wing-like structure which is likely the result of tidal interactions from the LMC. Despite this turbulent environment, the Wing harbors N83/N84, a star-forming region comprised of several molecular clouds, HII regions, young stars, stellar associations, and supernova remnants.

I am the science PI of the upcoming joint HST/JWST program, Winging the SMC: 3D Structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Tidally Disrupted Wing of the SMC (HST 17509), which will observe the tidally disrupted N83/N84 star-forming region. With this program, we will obtain multi-band UV-IR imaging and 3.3 micron PAH emission of the N83/N84 region. Our plan is to use SED-fitting tools like the BEAST to map the 3D gas distribution in the region to see whether gas flows are colliding or diverging, helping us determine whether tidal interactions between interacting galaxies are capable of fostering bursts of star formation. The science objectives are: (1) measure the definitive distance to the ISM in the SMC wing, constraining the interaction history of the SMC and LMC; (2) determine the relative distance between molecular clouds to model the dynamical state in the region; (3) investigate the correlation between extinction and gas phases, building upon existing Scylla work.

Map of HI across the SMC (left) compared to the distribution of molecular gas (right). Tidally disrupted N83/N84 region (cyan) with HST/JWST imaging will investigate dynamic influences on star formation.
